Research your space first.
Uniform sized boxes work best for easy stacking.
Keep an inventory of your things.
Mark and label boxes with fragile material.
DO NOT place combustible material in boxes.
Plan your space by placing the boxes you may need up front.
Try to leave a path down the middle of the unit.
Stack heavier boxes on the bottom and lighter on the top.
Be sure boxes are strong enough to hold 25-30 pounds.
List content of boxes on sides.
Dishes and glasses should be wrapped in paper and placed snug in boxes (Place them up top.)
Use furniture with drawers as storage for small items.
Smart Storage
Put TV’s and electronics in the rear of the unit.
Shovels, hoes, rakes and hoses can be stored together in empty trash cans.
Tables with removable legs should be broken down to save space.
Cover stuffed furniture with cardboard and blankets to prevent dust.
If storing a mattress, stand it on its side and wedge it between something to avoid it slumping over.
Wipe off any metal with a rag to prevent rusting.